along the way he made it look much better with the new pipes and WL springer.
hope to paint a fresh tank for it in the next few weeks...and maybe next week some kickass skyhigh sissybar....
For now it will remain heavily under construction, but who cares bout that...I'm stoked with the way she tears down the street....
the 50ies english drum in front doesn't do no good in stopping the bike, but it makes up for it in looks and in the way it helps to take off with squeeqing and smoking rear tire....
All in all the perfect bike to split lanes and hop from bar to bar....
I'm a happy man.
Big thanx to Erick, Olaf and Johan at SPS, Erik aka Sjofel for the lights, Hanske for the springer deal

Swingarm shovels rule! Looking good, Sven!
Thanx Beer...enjoying the hard ride now. and finally I have deceide the shovel will remain a strutted swingarm chopper.
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