First there was my club's SINS show end of should have seen it all by now, ifnot, check out the scrapers blog
After that my life shifted up in highest gear so we started traveling, the on the road season started shortly after SINS with a trip to Spain to meet up with the Razzlers cc for their 4th Riverside show in Balaguer.
What a great weekend that was...really surprised by the numer and quality of cool rides...
Spain doesn't have a very big traditional rod and custom scene, most of it is concentrated in and around of Barcelona, besides the Razzlers, there are also Templars cc, Royals cc, Diamantes cc and Atomics cc, all good for some great traditional rides.
All together these clubs and all the other people involved make for a great rod and custom culture in Spain, mix this with some kickass bikes and some wild rockabilly music and the result was a wonderfull weekend in Spain.
Thanx Bigtime in the first place to Sergi & Maria, but of course also to all other Razzlers for such a warm welcome.
Thanx to you this weekend couldn't have been any better!!!
Also thanx very much to Jessy, Geena, all of the Templars, Luiz from the Royals, Vicente from Diamantes cc.
And last but not least my fellow stripers El Luchador Grafico, Neckbreaker and Jessy.
Check some of the shots made during this weekend in Balaguer / Spain

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