Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another fresh gastank....

this one's up for sale...

Brandnew narrow mustangstyle tank, silverflaked with purple candy, panels, lacing, scales and more eyekandy...high shine finish. Pretty much universal fit ( or some minor framemods)
more info:

I'm stoked with the new looks.....

Check out the differences...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Krugger's Overmile...

Earlier this year I did the lettering on Fred's "Overmile" project.
Another great ride from Basse Bodeux...perfect streettracker bike for them
curvy small roads in that area...

My boardwalk....

Showing off the signs of oil & grease, paint, lowered cars 'n bikes and of course your occasional party!

another hero!

David Mann...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Motorized issue 2 ....out now!!!

Check for more info on the Motorized! blog

Scrapers bikes linup

at last weekends Bigtwin Bikeshow...
in the front...
Bow's Panhead
My Shovel
Angelo's 69 Triumph
hidden in the dark Tristan's '52 Triumph
and the glowing flames of willem's Early Shovel

New looks...

for my shovel...thought about selling her...didn't have the heart for it...
so glad I didn't...some more plans for the winter

Striping the Bendragon

Spend a couple of days at L&L
to put down some lines on their latest build.

fresh paint

Did this paintjob for Rinus' shovelchop a couple of weeks ago
it all started with the color of a headlight.