Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another long term Cheapo Project....

Been collecting parts for my 28/34 Full Mental Familia rod project for some years now....
probably gonna take another few years to get started on this one....
meanwhile, different ideas keep growing in my head....lately the most insane ones started poppin' up....one of them is a very narrow Slingshot inspired Dragracer....how on earth am I gonna get that on paper to start with....

the rims....

on my 61 Galaxie, wich I unfortunately deceided to put in a corner awaiting better (financial) times

some shots from the shop....

Nothing better than an inspiring surrounding to work in!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Some great literature....

Or better...a feast for the Eye...the landed on the doorstep
a few days ago! hours of pleasure ahead...

Mr.Kool from Genéva...

Another allround nice guy...and great pinstriper / painter...
Kristophe aka Mr.Kool.
Hope to publish more of his work here...
Anyways he will be part of the SINS 3 Artshow! so he's in Belgium last weekend of April

Dutch Hotrod Lifestyle photo Expo

Limpe our main man from Eindhoven / Holland, is showing some of his work at the Grand Cafe Dudok in Rotterdam...Go check it our folks, this guy is an amazing photographer as well as an allround nice guy!
Was really glad I could help him out with the poster!

Rockin' opening party with live band on februari 12th from 8 pm.
Grand Cafe Dudok, Meent 88 ...3011 JP Rotterdam
check the website for more info: www.dudok.nl

Check out more of Limpe's work on his blog

SINS 3 Afterparty....be there folks....

more info on the Scrapers cc
website and blog

Shovel progress...

Well ...progress is probably to big a word...
Very happy my bro Nico aka Guzzmen Deluxe
at least found the time to work on my bike a bit...
actually he cooked up the some way cool mini Z's for it...
way to go bro...Thanx Bigtime!

well hopefully more progress in the next weeks....

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

how to lettering book

A very nice present from Fred (Krugger), a 14th edition (1963) of a brushlettering book originally printed in 1941.
lotsa great tips, tricks and cool stuff inside.
Thanx Fred!

shovelmockup #2

first days of the new year I finally came round to mocking up the new version of my 79 shovel...
still a long way to go, but hope to have it finished for our SINS show

Monday, January 05, 2009

Mystery gascap

Paint comïng soon on Bow's tank